Jaxen loves his Exersaucer.  He thinks that's the greatest thing to sit in and he especially loves being outside on the deck sitting in it, taking in all he can see.  Soon he will discover he can jump up and down in it.  He loves to play with the toys around him but he seems to play the most right in front of the tray for snacks haha
Today was Daddy's first day back to work after being on vacation for two weeks.  I missed my Daddy all day long and couldn't wait for him to get home.  Mommy emailed Daddy this picture just so he knew how much we both were missing him. ♥

Theodore Tugboat

I went on my first mini-vacation this week.  Mommy, Daddy & I went to Halifax with Grampie, Nana, Uncle Clifford & Aunt Karen. 
We went down on the waterfront for some sight-seeing and there was Theodore Tugboat.  It was too early in the morning for a tour but Mommy & I got our picture taken. 
It was very hot and we seen all kinds of sights.

Jaxen got his first haircut at 3.5 months old.
Every year we have a family pool party at Paula & Rob's place.  The kids all have a great time playing in the pool and this year Jaxen joined in on the fun!